Sunday, January 30, 2011

rehab: knobs

The beauty of knobs is that they're everywhere! You can find them at thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales, boutiques, antique stores, home improvement stores, retail stores (anthropologie has great ones!); you name it. New or used, modern or traditional, fancy or funky... new knobs, new vibe. 

Why not reinvent that chest of drawers that has you feeling *blah* with just 10 bucks and a can of paint?! Or get more creative and make a coat rack or jewelry hooks. Here are some inspiration photos to get you started... post a comment if you have another idea!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

all the rage: mustaches

Mustaches make me giggle; I mean, they're so tickly! It's fresh and fun to incorporate trendy pieces into your decor, but don't splurge on something you will probably cringe at next year... accessories are the way to go. 

L-O-V-E these mustache key hooks, mugs, and pillows!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

magazines i love: rue

This new "stylish living" magazine, rue, is fast becoming a favorite of mine! The page layouts are eye-catching and the image quality is really impressive. Plus, online magazines are eco-fab and cheap (how cheap is free!).

The January/February issue was just released!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

inspired by The Fillmore

We saw Amos Lee at the Fillmore last night. I totally adore him; his voice so sexy and soothing. I mentioned the idea of marrying him to Mya a couple of times, but she didn't see it (or think I had a shot, for that matter).

The Fillmore decor really got me in the mood for chandeliers, quirky atmospheres, and a bit of romance...

We used these modern chandeliers by Bocci (featured in Dwell Magazine this month) on a lobby renovation project I managed a couple of years ago. Orlando Diaz-Azcuy and Melander were phenomenal designers; I loved working with them.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

mixology: mint green

Our mint green bridesmaid's dresses for my friend Natalee's upcoming wedding inspired this post. Mint green is an underappreciated and somewhat tricky color, but it nicely compliments natural wood, red, and heaps of other anthro-esque colors. A cheerful but not-too-girly feel...